
Disc 1
1 Adès: Dante, Pt. I “Inferno”: I. Abandon Hope –
2 Adès: Dante, Pt. I “Inferno”: II. the Selfish – Stung By Wasps
3 Adès: Dante, Pt. I “Inferno”: III. the Ferryman
4 Adès: Dante, Pt. I “Inferno”: IV. Pavan of the Souls in Limbo –
5 Adès: Dante, Pt. I “Inferno”: V. Paolo and Francesca – the Endless Whirlwind
6 Adès: Dante, Pt. I “Inferno”: VI. the Gluttons – in Slime
7 Adès: Dante, Pt. I “Inferno”: VII. the Suicides – the Bleeding Trees –
8 Adès: Dante, Pt. I “Inferno”: VIII. the Deviants – on Burning Sand –
9 Adès: Dante, Pt. I “Inferno”: IX. the Fortune-Tellers – Facing Both Ways
10 Adès: Dante, Pt. I “Inferno”: X. the Popes’ Adagio – Heads First –
11 Adès: Dante, Pt. I “Inferno”: XI. the Hypocrites – in Coats of Lead
12 Adès: Dante, Pt. I “Inferno”: XII. the Thieves – Devoured By Reptiles
13 Adès: Dante, Pt. I “Inferno”: XIII. Satan – in the Lake of Ice
Disc 2
1 Adès: Dante, Pt. II “Purgatorio”: I. Dawn on the Sea of Purgatory –
2 Adès: Dante, Pt. II “Purgatorio”: II. Mount Purgatory –
3 Adès: Dante, Pt. II “Purgatorio”: III. the Valley of Flowers –
4 Adès: Dante, Pt. II “Purgatorio”: IV. the Healing Fire –
5 Adès: Dante, Pt. II “Purgatorio”: V. the Earthly Paradise –
6 Adès: Dante, Pt. II “Purgatorio”: VI. the Heavenly Procession –
7 Adès: Dante, Pt. II “Purgatorio”: VII. the Ascent
8 Adès: Dante, Pt. III “Paradiso”: Awakening – Moon – Mercury – Venus – Sun – Mars – Jupiter (The Eagle) – Saturn (T

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