30,00 €
RELEASE DATE: 29.10.2021.
Proziran mramorno tirkizan LP + gatefold
Povodom 20 godina od izlaska albuma “Sonic Bullets” The Bambi Molestersa, Dancing Bear je na jesen 2021. odlučio krenuti s objavljivanjem specijalnih reizdanja, s obzirom da njihovi uradci uživaju veliku vrijednost među kolekcionarima vinila i brojnim poklonicima benda.
Niz ovih posebnih izdanja Dancing Bear je pokrenuo s reizdanjem posljednjeg, četvrtog studijskog albuma “As the Dark Wave Swells” koji je snimao i producirao Chris Eckman te čija naklada je u nekoliko navrata rasprodana, a za koji i danas ne jenjava interes te vlada potražnja. Album je u travnju 2010., za svjetsko tržište objavila nezavisna izdavačka kuća Glitterhouse Records.
Vinilno reizdanje “As the Dark Wave Swells” na predivnom prozirno tirkiznom LP-u s mramornim efektom možete nabaviti od petka, 29. listopada 2021., u svim Dancing Bearovim prodavaonicama i putem web shopa – Novi ovitak spomenutog albuma za ovu priliku je redizajniran i proširen na gatefold format te uključuje i fotografije grupe The Bambi Molesters iza kojih stoji Mare Milin, a koje su se prethodno našle i na originalom CD izdanju.
On the 20th anniversary of The Bambi Molesters album “Sonic Bullets”, Dancing Bear decided to start releasing special reissues, since their releases enjoy great value among vinyl collectors and numerous fans of the band.
Dancing Bear has launched a series of these special releases with the reissue of their latest, fourth studio album “As the Dark Wave Swells”, recorded and produced by Chris Eckman, which has been sold out on several occasions. The album was released by the independent record label Glitterhouse Records in April 2010 for the foreign market.
You can get the vinyl reissue of “As the Dark Wave Swells” on a beautiful transparent turquoise LP with a marble effect from Friday, October 29, 2021, in all Dancing Bear stores and on web shop – Album cover for this occasion has been redesigned and expanded to the gatefold format and it includes photos of The Bambi Molesters by Mare Milin, which were previously found on the original CD release.
1. As The Dark Wave Swells
2. The Kiss-Off
3. Wrong Turn
4. Point Of No Return
5. Into The Crimson Sunset
6. Panic Party
7. Lazy Girls Hangout
8. Siboney
9. Mindbender
10. Thunderin’ Guitar
11. Rising East
2 in stock